The main purpose of the Business of Being Born was to introduce natural births and midwifery to America, as well as provide critiques of hospital births. One of the movie’s main focuses was that natural births can be emotionally rewarding. Most of the mothers that were included in this film reasoned that they already have or would choose natural births because they wanted the moment to be special. They wanted to feel a bond between their children. This movie included footages of this happening, and explained that the bonded feeling is a result of the brain releasing oxitocin, which makes the mother and child momentarily feel as though they are merged. Personally, I felt that seeing the mothers and children hold onto each other after the birth was my favorite part. It showed their reliance and necessity for one another. But more importantly it showed the melancholy of hospital births. A great 99% of the mothers are unable to feel this, and even though the babies are reaching out in the hospitals they are unable to grasp their mothers.
One critique of hospital births was that it was like a “dominoes effect.” They would give the mother epidural to ease out the pain, but it also slows down the birthing process. So in order to speed it up, they give the patient pitocin, which forces the mother to give harder and more frequent contractions. As a result, the doctors give them the epidural to ease those contractions, and thus it becomes a never-ending process until the mothers are convinced that they “need” a cesarean section. It may appear that this whole hospital process is done for the mothers, however as this movie has states, hospitals are a business. Hospitals are mainly concerned with its efficiency and convenience. Almost everything that is done in a hospital, as far as births are concerned, is done for those two things; everything down to the position that the mothers are in, the timing of the births, the speed of the births, and the type of births they’re having (vaginal or c-section).
Even though this movie was more on the side of natural births, the producer, Ricki Lake and the director Abby Epstein were not completely against hospital births. It appeared that they decided to have natural home births (or would have liked to, in Epstein’s case), but felt that it is also necessary to have hospitals as a backup (which it was, in Epstein’s case). In some ways, I think that they were simply trying to propose a transaction from hospital births to home births with a midwife. This movie was very similar to the class polls that we did about our feelings towards normal and natural births. In both AWOB classes, many people would “accept normal births but consider alternative for self.” However this movie is criticizing, but still accepting normal births and recommending home births to others, which was the next level on the polls. After watching this movie, I can’t help but to wonder; if we were to do more research and went into greater depths, would our opinions and feelings naturally shift up to that next level and begin to attempt what was done in the movie?
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Reaction to Birth Videos and Monty Python skit
Initially I thought that the births of the giraffes and the dolphins were natural births. Neither birth involved any interventions. The birth was centered around the mothers. There was a midwife (in giraffe birth). There was immediate interaction between the baby and the mother. All of these factors caused me to believe that the two births were natural births. However, as I was reading over my original entry and notes, and thought back to the video, I began to consider other aspects of the births, which made me second-think about the categorization. In some ways, the births of the giraffe and dolphins are also normal births. The births did not exactly take place in their homes and were in a monitored environment, somewhat like the hospital in a human’s case. Also, both births were not really mother-centered. Most viewers were more focused on the baby and were anticipating its birth. In the birth of the giraffe, the people placed sand on the floor, because they were concerned for the baby’s safety. They were not really worried about the mother. Another thing that prevents these two births being a natural birth is the presence of the father or loved ones. In the dolphin video, the mother was not surrounded by any of her loved ones. Instead, she was just surrounded by people who sees this sacred moment for her as a source of entertainment. The father giraffe was there to support the mother, but they were separated by a fence, kind of like how family members are told to stay outside the room while the mother is giving birth.
Both births certainly have characteristics of a normal birth and a natural birth. However, I feel that the normal side of the births in these two cases is a result of humans trying to make the giraffe and dolphin’s births similar to their own, and doing what they believe is “better” for the mother and the baby. And by that, I mean imprisoning them in an isolated area away from their fellow giraffes or dolphins and monitoring the birth as thought it was a show. Comparing the suggested videos from the assignment with another giraffe birth video made me realize that the human contribution is not necessary. Animals in the wild give birth without the help of humans and most of them turn out just fine (assuming they don’t get eaten immediately after birth). For example, a giraffe birth taken place in Memphis Zoo did not pad the floor with sand nor had any midwives, but the mother still gave birth and the baby giraffe was still alive. Unfortunately, it took place in a similar setting. Regardless, it shows that it is pointless to add all those things that make a natural birth into a normal birth.
Watching the two birth videos made natural births seem even more favorable than normal births, at least to me. The births of giraffes and dolphins have certain aspects that would be considered ideal and unrealistic for a human birth. In both of the videos, the mothers appear to be in no pain. Giving birth did not seem to have caused any irregularities with the mother and did not seem to have taken much time. There were also a lot of movement involved, as well as first moment interaction between the mother and child. The mother giraffe (in the Memphis Zoo) did a lot of walking as she was giving birth, and afterwards was encouraging the baby giraffe to walk. The mother dolphin was swimming around the whole time that she was giving birth. And once the baby dolphin was born, the two swam together side by side. The whole birth process for each of the animals was very fluent, which is something most people would hope for. These two videos portrayed birth in a way that much different than what is expected. It appeared that their (natural) way of birth was very easy and painless, as opposed to the normal way of birth, which usually involves the imagery of blood, tubes, knives, doctors, and/or screaming.
When we were first assigned to watch these birth videos, I was very reluctant to do so. I have never seen a birth video before this and was not planning to. I felt that it would be something very disgusting to watch and I would have a hard time watching it, especially the human birth. Part of the reason why I felt this way was because I have a handful of friends who have watched “The Miracle of Life” and told me that it was very bloody and horrible. I already had a mindset about how birth was going to be like. However I forced myself to watch the videos, starting with the Monty Python skit and then the giraffe and dolphin birth. It turns out that watching the births did me no harm at all and have yet to scar me for life. I actually found the dolphin birth to be enjoyable. It was pleasurable to see the mother so lively even while she was giving birth. In a way, watching the videos relieved me because it showed me that births do not have to be a painful experience. I have heard classmates say that, but until now I did not think it was possible. After a couple of days, I decided to watch the human birth video and add this part into my blog). As I mentioned previously, I was particularly afraid of watching the human birth video. But just like the other videos, it was unexpectedly not as frightening as I thought it would be. While watching the video, I did not see any blood and the stress level of the room appeared to be very low. That birth appeared to be a delightful experience for everyone there. In the background, you can hear their older child say with amusement “you can see its head now.” The father was also “far more involved that I would have ever expected.” You can also tell that this natural birth was much more mother-centered than a normal birth. Everyone was comforting the mother as she was giving birth. And one of her friends (or the midwife) showed her a mirror so she watching her child being born. All three birth videos have contradicted the planted image of births being extremely painful, risky, long, stressful, and bloody.
Monty Python was a humorous and extreme portrayal of a normal birth in a hospital, but there is still truth in the skit. But it mainly focused on how normal births are mostly focused on the doctors. In the very beginning of the skit, the head doctor ordered the other doctors and nurses to get the machinery and the most expensive machine, in case the administer came. To the doctors, birth was just a way to impress their higher ups and earn money. Normal births are pretty much about what the doctor wants, like who gets to put the tube on the baby. This skit also demonstrates how the mother, father and child are neglected. The mother was told that she had to do nothing because she was not “qualified.” And after the baby was born she was not even allowed to see it. The father was sent out of the room because “only people who are involved” were allowed to watch the mother give birth. The person who was neglected the most would probably be the baby. The doctors had a machine that goes “bing” to notify them that the baby was still alive. Therefore the doctors did not have to check on the baby or even look at the baby as they were delivering it. This still applies even after the baby is born, because when the baby is finally out of the mother’s womb, they chopped the umbilical cord with a butcher knife, flung it around in a towel, and then “isolate it.” Ignoring the fact that the baby is being horribly treated, you can still see that the baby is being disregarded due to its reference. The doctor calls the baby “it,” demonstrating that the doctor did not even take the time to look at the baby. The Monty Python skit may have been done for laughs, but there are parts that show the flaws and the truth of a normal hospital birth.
As I was watching the Monty Python video, I was aware that it was done for comical purposes. However, I did not laugh at all throughout the video. Two weeks ago I might have found it hilarious, just like anyone else would right now. But after taking awareness about the aspects of births, I took the skit very seriously because the truth is that what they’re showing are valid points put to the extreme (but I guess that’s also what makes it funny). Mothers, fathers and babies are really being ignored during the whole birth process. And the sacred moment of birth is really being tainted by the hospital. My first reaction to this video was not to laugh, but instead it was to see how truthful it really was and if other people were aware of it.
Both births certainly have characteristics of a normal birth and a natural birth. However, I feel that the normal side of the births in these two cases is a result of humans trying to make the giraffe and dolphin’s births similar to their own, and doing what they believe is “better” for the mother and the baby. And by that, I mean imprisoning them in an isolated area away from their fellow giraffes or dolphins and monitoring the birth as thought it was a show. Comparing the suggested videos from the assignment with another giraffe birth video made me realize that the human contribution is not necessary. Animals in the wild give birth without the help of humans and most of them turn out just fine (assuming they don’t get eaten immediately after birth). For example, a giraffe birth taken place in Memphis Zoo did not pad the floor with sand nor had any midwives, but the mother still gave birth and the baby giraffe was still alive. Unfortunately, it took place in a similar setting. Regardless, it shows that it is pointless to add all those things that make a natural birth into a normal birth.
Watching the two birth videos made natural births seem even more favorable than normal births, at least to me. The births of giraffes and dolphins have certain aspects that would be considered ideal and unrealistic for a human birth. In both of the videos, the mothers appear to be in no pain. Giving birth did not seem to have caused any irregularities with the mother and did not seem to have taken much time. There were also a lot of movement involved, as well as first moment interaction between the mother and child. The mother giraffe (in the Memphis Zoo) did a lot of walking as she was giving birth, and afterwards was encouraging the baby giraffe to walk. The mother dolphin was swimming around the whole time that she was giving birth. And once the baby dolphin was born, the two swam together side by side. The whole birth process for each of the animals was very fluent, which is something most people would hope for. These two videos portrayed birth in a way that much different than what is expected. It appeared that their (natural) way of birth was very easy and painless, as opposed to the normal way of birth, which usually involves the imagery of blood, tubes, knives, doctors, and/or screaming.
When we were first assigned to watch these birth videos, I was very reluctant to do so. I have never seen a birth video before this and was not planning to. I felt that it would be something very disgusting to watch and I would have a hard time watching it, especially the human birth. Part of the reason why I felt this way was because I have a handful of friends who have watched “The Miracle of Life” and told me that it was very bloody and horrible. I already had a mindset about how birth was going to be like. However I forced myself to watch the videos, starting with the Monty Python skit and then the giraffe and dolphin birth. It turns out that watching the births did me no harm at all and have yet to scar me for life. I actually found the dolphin birth to be enjoyable. It was pleasurable to see the mother so lively even while she was giving birth. In a way, watching the videos relieved me because it showed me that births do not have to be a painful experience. I have heard classmates say that, but until now I did not think it was possible. After a couple of days, I decided to watch the human birth video and add this part into my blog). As I mentioned previously, I was particularly afraid of watching the human birth video. But just like the other videos, it was unexpectedly not as frightening as I thought it would be. While watching the video, I did not see any blood and the stress level of the room appeared to be very low. That birth appeared to be a delightful experience for everyone there. In the background, you can hear their older child say with amusement “you can see its head now.” The father was also “far more involved that I would have ever expected.” You can also tell that this natural birth was much more mother-centered than a normal birth. Everyone was comforting the mother as she was giving birth. And one of her friends (or the midwife) showed her a mirror so she watching her child being born. All three birth videos have contradicted the planted image of births being extremely painful, risky, long, stressful, and bloody.
Monty Python was a humorous and extreme portrayal of a normal birth in a hospital, but there is still truth in the skit. But it mainly focused on how normal births are mostly focused on the doctors. In the very beginning of the skit, the head doctor ordered the other doctors and nurses to get the machinery and the most expensive machine, in case the administer came. To the doctors, birth was just a way to impress their higher ups and earn money. Normal births are pretty much about what the doctor wants, like who gets to put the tube on the baby. This skit also demonstrates how the mother, father and child are neglected. The mother was told that she had to do nothing because she was not “qualified.” And after the baby was born she was not even allowed to see it. The father was sent out of the room because “only people who are involved” were allowed to watch the mother give birth. The person who was neglected the most would probably be the baby. The doctors had a machine that goes “bing” to notify them that the baby was still alive. Therefore the doctors did not have to check on the baby or even look at the baby as they were delivering it. This still applies even after the baby is born, because when the baby is finally out of the mother’s womb, they chopped the umbilical cord with a butcher knife, flung it around in a towel, and then “isolate it.” Ignoring the fact that the baby is being horribly treated, you can still see that the baby is being disregarded due to its reference. The doctor calls the baby “it,” demonstrating that the doctor did not even take the time to look at the baby. The Monty Python skit may have been done for laughs, but there are parts that show the flaws and the truth of a normal hospital birth.
As I was watching the Monty Python video, I was aware that it was done for comical purposes. However, I did not laugh at all throughout the video. Two weeks ago I might have found it hilarious, just like anyone else would right now. But after taking awareness about the aspects of births, I took the skit very seriously because the truth is that what they’re showing are valid points put to the extreme (but I guess that’s also what makes it funny). Mothers, fathers and babies are really being ignored during the whole birth process. And the sacred moment of birth is really being tainted by the hospital. My first reaction to this video was not to laugh, but instead it was to see how truthful it really was and if other people were aware of it.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Normal vs. Natural
Typically blood, screaming, pain, stretching and time is incorporated with our thoughts about birth. But the lecture we had on Friday made me realize that the image of births being disgusting and painful only exists because people made it that way. 99% of the people in America choose to give birth in a hospital [Link]. In hospitals, birth is a process that often involves needles, knives and other steel instruments. All of these things factor into the pain and screaming as well as the fearful image of birth. However, birth does not have to be represented by all these images, as shown in the lecture. People can have very pure and natural births in their homes. Birth does not necessarily have to be painful experience that will not be remembered due to the mist of the hospital routines. Instead, birth can be a gratifying experience that will become a lasting memory, and a thought that triggers positive images rather than those of suffrage.
Initially I did not have a point of view about normal versus natural birth. But just like everyone else, my birth plans involved a hospital and a doctor, which would be having a normal birth. For me, it felt like that was something planned by society and the mainstream AWOL. Giving birth in a hospital has almost become a tradition, in America at least. The option of having a natural home birth never occurred to me. But now that I am aware of the benefits of natural births, compared to normal births, I think that natural births would be better. Noticing my change of point of view about births, from not having one, but agreeing to normal births to supporting natural births, I wonder if the rest of America or the world will also go through the same transition, and how. In my opinion I think that if people just break the barrier created by trends, they will realize that there are better alternatives. And when that happens, the percentage of home births will be greater, compared to the current 1%.
Initially I did not have a point of view about normal versus natural birth. But just like everyone else, my birth plans involved a hospital and a doctor, which would be having a normal birth. For me, it felt like that was something planned by society and the mainstream AWOL. Giving birth in a hospital has almost become a tradition, in America at least. The option of having a natural home birth never occurred to me. But now that I am aware of the benefits of natural births, compared to normal births, I think that natural births would be better. Noticing my change of point of view about births, from not having one, but agreeing to normal births to supporting natural births, I wonder if the rest of America or the world will also go through the same transition, and how. In my opinion I think that if people just break the barrier created by trends, they will realize that there are better alternatives. And when that happens, the percentage of home births will be greater, compared to the current 1%.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Answers to Questions about Birth
1. What is the cost of an Epidural?
The price of an Epidural can range anywhere from $700 to $1,200. This includes all the other required fees for the procedure and for the anesthesiologist. [Link]
2. What are the percentages of intervention usage?
"Without any anesthesia :51% (Yes, over half!)
With an epidural: 36%
Inductions: 17%
Augmentations (use of pitocin after admitted for labor): 34%
Assisted vaginal deliveries (i.e. vacuum or forceps): 8%
C-sections: 33% (includes elective repeats)"[Link]
3. What is the cost of a home birth?
Home births cost around $1,500-$3,000. This includes the cost of a midwife (1500-3000), lab test (100), Ultra Sound (100-200), birth supplies and water tub rental. [Link]
4. What are the risks of using Epidural?
- Effects on mothers: inadequate pain relief, increase in oral/vaginal temperature, drop in blood pressure, long/short term backache, risk of spinal block, shivering, itching, "Mother feels detached from the process and becomes an observer."
- Effects on the Labor: slows down the process, increase the chances of cesarean delivery.
- Effects on the fetus: irregular heart rate patterns.
- Effects on the newborn: may not be as responsive in the short term
5. What is the most effective birth control?
Abstinence is the most effective and the most common (obviously because people are not having sex 24/7) [Link]
6. What are the costs of an abortion?
On average, each abortion costs $600. [Link]
7. What % of abortions is a result of rape?
1% [Link]
8. What is the % of adoption in America?
2-4% of American families have adopted a child. [Link]
9. What is the amount of children adopted in America?
In 2002, there were 120,000 children that were adopted. However since then, the number of children adopted has decreased. Perhaps it is due to the economical crisis. [Link]
10. What percentage of women have c-sections?
In 2005, 30% of the women who gave birth had a cesarean section. [Link]
11. Why do women have c-sections?
There are certain circumstances where a women would NEED a c-section, which are:
- has had a previous c-section
- breech
- multiple babies
- baby is expected to be very large
- has had a previous surgery (invasive uterine surgery)
- placenta previa
- baby has an illness
- mother is HIV positive [Link]
It has been apparent in our class and within myself, that many people view birth as a very troubling process, rather than "holy experience." And after answering these questions and looking at many different websites, that point has just been reinforced. While researching these questions about birth, the presence of joy was lacking. I wasn't thinking about a newborn child or a new form of life. Instead, the only thought that occupied my thought I had was about how troublesome this is. Everything I read was just numbers, statistics, outcomes, costs, procedures, alternative procedures, cost of alternative procedures, side-effects, etc. Out of all the websites I visited, there was never one website that took a positive attitude on birth. All of these things kind of degraded the whole idea of birth and its meaning. When there is no stress involved, everyone says birth is something very beautiful and is bringing in another soul into this world. However, when the labor and troubles are the main focus, a completely negative tone takes place. Everyone view it as the worst experience any person can ever have. And in some cases, females use that to their advantage in a discussion about which gender has it worse. This possibly explains the cartoonist view of how babies are made ------------>
We often want the child but without all the strain that comes with having one. And other times, we fear the strains so much we don't even want the child at all.
The price of an Epidural can range anywhere from $700 to $1,200. This includes all the other required fees for the procedure and for the anesthesiologist. [Link]
2. What are the percentages of intervention usage?
"Without any anesthesia :51% (Yes, over half!)
With an epidural: 36%
Inductions: 17%
Augmentations (use of pitocin after admitted for labor): 34%
Assisted vaginal deliveries (i.e. vacuum or forceps): 8%
C-sections: 33% (includes elective repeats)"[Link]
3. What is the cost of a home birth?
Home births cost around $1,500-$3,000. This includes the cost of a midwife (1500-3000), lab test (100), Ultra Sound (100-200), birth supplies and water tub rental. [Link]
4. What are the risks of using Epidural?
- Effects on mothers: inadequate pain relief, increase in oral/vaginal temperature, drop in blood pressure, long/short term backache, risk of spinal block, shivering, itching, "Mother feels detached from the process and becomes an observer."
- Effects on the Labor: slows down the process, increase the chances of cesarean delivery.
- Effects on the fetus: irregular heart rate patterns.
- Effects on the newborn: may not be as responsive in the short term
5. What is the most effective birth control?
Abstinence is the most effective and the most common (obviously because people are not having sex 24/7) [Link]
6. What are the costs of an abortion?
On average, each abortion costs $600. [Link]
7. What % of abortions is a result of rape?
1% [Link]
8. What is the % of adoption in America?
2-4% of American families have adopted a child. [Link]
9. What is the amount of children adopted in America?
In 2002, there were 120,000 children that were adopted. However since then, the number of children adopted has decreased. Perhaps it is due to the economical crisis. [Link]
10. What percentage of women have c-sections?
In 2005, 30% of the women who gave birth had a cesarean section. [Link]
11. Why do women have c-sections?
There are certain circumstances where a women would NEED a c-section, which are:
- has had a previous c-section
- breech
- multiple babies
- baby is expected to be very large
- has had a previous surgery (invasive uterine surgery)
- placenta previa
- baby has an illness
- mother is HIV positive [Link]
It has been apparent in our class and within myself, that many people view birth as a very troubling process, rather than "holy experience." And after answering these questions and looking at many different websites, that point has just been reinforced. While researching these questions about birth, the presence of joy was lacking. I wasn't thinking about a newborn child or a new form of life. Instead, the only thought that occupied my thought I had was about how troublesome this is. Everything I read was just numbers, statistics, outcomes, costs, procedures, alternative procedures, cost of alternative procedures, side-effects, etc. Out of all the websites I visited, there was never one website that took a positive attitude on birth. All of these things kind of degraded the whole idea of birth and its meaning. When there is no stress involved, everyone says birth is something very beautiful and is bringing in another soul into this world. However, when the labor and troubles are the main focus, a completely negative tone takes place. Everyone view it as the worst experience any person can ever have. And in some cases, females use that to their advantage in a discussion about which gender has it worse. This possibly explains the cartoonist view of how babies are made ------------>
We often want the child but without all the strain that comes with having one. And other times, we fear the strains so much we don't even want the child at all.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Birth Control | Abortion | Intentional Birth Q's
1. What % of teenage women uses birth control?
2. What % of women dies from having an abortion?
3. Is it true that you can become sterile from birth control?
4. What % of American babies is aborted annually?
5. Does abortion endanger your chances of being impregnated later on in life?
6. What % of women gets abortions?
7. Are there more intentional births or “accidents?” What %?
8. What are the effects of using birth control?
9. What is the relationship between intentional births and married couples versus teenagers?
10. What is the % of adoption in America?
11. Do we need more babies? Should there be more abortions?
12. What is the most common birth control?
13. What is the most effective birth control?
14. Do more women get pregnant accidentally or accidentally on purpose?
15. What % of men are asked to put on a condom but refuse to?
16. Does impregnating a woman give men status or hurt their current one?
17. How many intentional births (%) are raised by a single parent?
18. What % of abortions is chosen because of the lack of the ability to support the child (financially, emotionally, etc.)?
19. Are abortions bad?
20. Are births bad?
21. How does race tie in with the intentional birth percentages?
22. What % of births is a result of rape?
23. What is the process of an abortion?
24. What is the % of usage of different forms of birth controls?
2. What % of women dies from having an abortion?
3. Is it true that you can become sterile from birth control?
4. What % of American babies is aborted annually?
5. Does abortion endanger your chances of being impregnated later on in life?
6. What % of women gets abortions?
7. Are there more intentional births or “accidents?” What %?
8. What are the effects of using birth control?
9. What is the relationship between intentional births and married couples versus teenagers?
10. What is the % of adoption in America?
11. Do we need more babies? Should there be more abortions?
12. What is the most common birth control?
13. What is the most effective birth control?
14. Do more women get pregnant accidentally or accidentally on purpose?
15. What % of men are asked to put on a condom but refuse to?
16. Does impregnating a woman give men status or hurt their current one?
17. How many intentional births (%) are raised by a single parent?
18. What % of abortions is chosen because of the lack of the ability to support the child (financially, emotionally, etc.)?
19. Are abortions bad?
20. Are births bad?
21. How does race tie in with the intentional birth percentages?
22. What % of births is a result of rape?
23. What is the process of an abortion?
24. What is the % of usage of different forms of birth controls?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
In the Process of Making
Birth Story 1:
Just like any other day, the mother was working. It was during the afternoon when she began to feel pain every now and then. One of her coworkers noticed that there was something wrong and asked her what was wrong. After having the mother explain to the coworker the type of pain she was feeling, the coworker advised her to visit her doctor because she was probably ready to give birth. So the mother listened to her and began walking to the clinic. When she got there, she found out that she was in fact ready to give birth and called her husband to meet her in the clinic. At that moment, she was very excited, but more importantly she was very hungry. So before they started to head for hospital, they stopped by a Chinese restaurant and ordered a bowl of pork congee. Afterwards, they got to hospital, she laid on a bed and gave birth to a girl. And even though there were no interventions, the time that the mother was in labor was a very short and painless experience. The father even said (in Chinese): it was like she farted and gave birth to my daughter.
Birth Story 2:
Around 10 o'clock in the morning, her water broke. She was going to be giving birth to the first of her two children. And being that she spoke very little English and that it was her first time giving birth, she called for her older sister for help. The brother-in-law drove his wife, the mother and the father to the Downtown hospital. When they got there, the doctor told them that her cervix did not dilate enough and everyone returned home. However a couple of hours later, the mother began to feel pain and believed she was ready to give birth. So they returned to the hospital, and the doctor told them that the pain were just the Braxton-Hicks CX and sent them home again. Of course, the mother was very agitated, she was ready to have a child and began a new life, and the doctor was telling her that she was not ready, physically. The sister was agitated as well because she lived in Staten Island, so every time they were sent home by the doctor they would have to travel for two hours. And the next time they would come, they would have to go to Queens to pick up the mother and then back to the hospital. Finally, after three round trips between their homes and the hospital, and 20+ hours of labor, the mother gave birth to her daughter on the afternoon of December 31, 1986. At the end of it all, everyone was exhausted from everything they had to go through and relieved that it was all over.
Birth Story 3:
After the first birth, the second one went by pretty easily. Around 2 o'clock in the morning, the mother (same as story #2) was ready to give birth. They called the same sister and her same husband picked them up and drove them to the same hospital. However this time, instead of being sent home, they were more than ready. The mother and the father were waiting in the front of the hospital. The mother felt the baby was about to come out anytime, and thought that she was seriously going to give birth before she even gets into a room. Before they knew it, they saw the doctor running towards them to get them into a room. And at the very moment that the mother was lying in the bed, she gave birth to a boy at around 5 o'clock in the morning. She did not even have time for any epidurals or any other interventions. Rather than the mother being exhausted, everyone else was extremely tired after this birth. There was very little effort involved, but everyone was tired from the lack of sleep. Even so, everyone was very happy about how fast that process was.
Birth Story 4:
In the middle of work, her water broke. But regardless, she continued working. The very next day was a day off. So the mother and the father called the uncle of the child to drive them to Beth Israel hospital. The grandmother came as well. They got the mother into a room and got her some food since she was hungry. The father tried feed her, but the nurse stopped him and said that females who are about to go into labor are not allowed to eat. Both the mother and the father were furious about this. The mother was obviously mad because she was stressed and hungry all at the same time. And father was pissed because he has the ability to help the mother out but is not allowed to do so. While the father listened to the nurse, the grandmother disregarded everything she said and snuck in a spoon of pork rice. After awhile, the doctor came and 21 hours later, the mother gave birth to a boy. She said that after giving birth, she felt extremely cold due to the lost of blood. It was the coldest she has ever felt. The mother also added that when they went to get the baby's footprint, they thought he had only four toes. The big toe was being overlapped by the adjacent toe. It was a very frightening and humorous moment for them.
Just like any other day, the mother was working. It was during the afternoon when she began to feel pain every now and then. One of her coworkers noticed that there was something wrong and asked her what was wrong. After having the mother explain to the coworker the type of pain she was feeling, the coworker advised her to visit her doctor because she was probably ready to give birth. So the mother listened to her and began walking to the clinic. When she got there, she found out that she was in fact ready to give birth and called her husband to meet her in the clinic. At that moment, she was very excited, but more importantly she was very hungry. So before they started to head for hospital, they stopped by a Chinese restaurant and ordered a bowl of pork congee. Afterwards, they got to hospital, she laid on a bed and gave birth to a girl. And even though there were no interventions, the time that the mother was in labor was a very short and painless experience. The father even said (in Chinese): it was like she farted and gave birth to my daughter.
Birth Story 2:
Around 10 o'clock in the morning, her water broke. She was going to be giving birth to the first of her two children. And being that she spoke very little English and that it was her first time giving birth, she called for her older sister for help. The brother-in-law drove his wife, the mother and the father to the Downtown hospital. When they got there, the doctor told them that her cervix did not dilate enough and everyone returned home. However a couple of hours later, the mother began to feel pain and believed she was ready to give birth. So they returned to the hospital, and the doctor told them that the pain were just the Braxton-Hicks CX and sent them home again. Of course, the mother was very agitated, she was ready to have a child and began a new life, and the doctor was telling her that she was not ready, physically. The sister was agitated as well because she lived in Staten Island, so every time they were sent home by the doctor they would have to travel for two hours. And the next time they would come, they would have to go to Queens to pick up the mother and then back to the hospital. Finally, after three round trips between their homes and the hospital, and 20+ hours of labor, the mother gave birth to her daughter on the afternoon of December 31, 1986. At the end of it all, everyone was exhausted from everything they had to go through and relieved that it was all over.
Birth Story 3:
After the first birth, the second one went by pretty easily. Around 2 o'clock in the morning, the mother (same as story #2) was ready to give birth. They called the same sister and her same husband picked them up and drove them to the same hospital. However this time, instead of being sent home, they were more than ready. The mother and the father were waiting in the front of the hospital. The mother felt the baby was about to come out anytime, and thought that she was seriously going to give birth before she even gets into a room. Before they knew it, they saw the doctor running towards them to get them into a room. And at the very moment that the mother was lying in the bed, she gave birth to a boy at around 5 o'clock in the morning. She did not even have time for any epidurals or any other interventions. Rather than the mother being exhausted, everyone else was extremely tired after this birth. There was very little effort involved, but everyone was tired from the lack of sleep. Even so, everyone was very happy about how fast that process was.
Birth Story 4:
In the middle of work, her water broke. But regardless, she continued working. The very next day was a day off. So the mother and the father called the uncle of the child to drive them to Beth Israel hospital. The grandmother came as well. They got the mother into a room and got her some food since she was hungry. The father tried feed her, but the nurse stopped him and said that females who are about to go into labor are not allowed to eat. Both the mother and the father were furious about this. The mother was obviously mad because she was stressed and hungry all at the same time. And father was pissed because he has the ability to help the mother out but is not allowed to do so. While the father listened to the nurse, the grandmother disregarded everything she said and snuck in a spoon of pork rice. After awhile, the doctor came and 21 hours later, the mother gave birth to a boy. She said that after giving birth, she felt extremely cold due to the lost of blood. It was the coldest she has ever felt. The mother also added that when they went to get the baby's footprint, they thought he had only four toes. The big toe was being overlapped by the adjacent toe. It was a very frightening and humorous moment for them.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Thoughts About the Birth Process
Hearing my birth story, I felt very...normal, which goes along with the dominant of the AWOL. The whole process of which I was born has been portrayed in movies and television shows. There really isn't much for me to say that would be different or worth hearing, because chances are: you've heard it already. But one thing that I noticed when I asked my mom, was that there were certain things that appear to me as very typical, but still lit up her face as if it was something special, which can apply in any case in the AWOL. People strive to be special and out of the ordinary. But in fact they are pretty much the same as everyone.
As of right now, I am disgusted by the birth process. I acknowledged the fact that it is a special moment and is classified as a "miracle." However I would still not attend to any viewing of the birth of any child other than my own. Watching someone go into so much pain would be pointless. Watching the arrival of just another human being would be pointless. My presence in that room would be pointless. Keeping this memory of a woman screaming, with her legs spread out for several hours would be pointless. Everything would be pointless to me until the child is my own (Sound very selfish, it probably is)I do not think that I (along with most people) can be intrigued by the whole process until I have a full grasp on the fact that I have given life to another person, another soul in another shell. (Sounds very cliche, but I am pretty sure it is true).
As of right now, I am disgusted by the birth process. I acknowledged the fact that it is a special moment and is classified as a "miracle." However I would still not attend to any viewing of the birth of any child other than my own. Watching someone go into so much pain would be pointless. Watching the arrival of just another human being would be pointless. My presence in that room would be pointless. Keeping this memory of a woman screaming, with her legs spread out for several hours would be pointless. Everything would be pointless to me until the child is my own (Sound very selfish, it probably is)I do not think that I (along with most people) can be intrigued by the whole process until I have a full grasp on the fact that I have given life to another person, another soul in another shell. (Sounds very cliche, but I am pretty sure it is true).
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