What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


My family does food in a very traditional Chinese way where: the female (my mother) prepares the food, everyone uses chopsticks, every meal involves either rice or noodles, and soy sauce or oyster sauce is present in every other dish. The stereotypical portrayal of Asian meal rituals is the portrayal of the rituals in my family as well (besides the dog part; that stuff is illegal). However, one thing that might differ between my families from of the other families is we exchange thoughts during dinner time. We have discussions as we are eating, that eventually turn into minor arguments due to the huge contrast in beliefs between me and my mother.

My perspective on food and my parent’s perspective of food are completely different. I see food as a source of rejuvenation, and maybe even as a requirement. Therefore I tend to eat relatively quick, compared to my parents. I eat to only satisfy that requirement, and see that if I spend too much time on eating, I’ll be wasting the time I can be using to do something else (by that, I mostly mean video games). My parents, on the contrary, value food and its taste. Therefore they take a little more time, sucking each bone dry, and chewing every piece of food until it’s a liquid. And while I feel like I could be doing something else with my time instead of slowly eating, their “something else” is eating.

In some ways, I can see that I have adopted the typical American food way, which seems to be very involved with haste and convenience. I, along with many other Americans, like to incorporate eating with another action, such as heading to work/school, doing homework, listening to the background sound of the television, or playing video games. Food can be described as “just there,” based on my approach to food and the approaches I’ve observed from the busy New Yorkers and their bagels on-to-go. Food never seems to be the focus of a typical American, from what I have seen in my experiences. People (including myself) are always just eating because it’s a basic survival need, and never really taken the time to fully focus on food. Even when people go out to a restaurant for dinner, their focus is still not on the food; rather it is on his/her date, the occasion or the convenience.

What is the Typical Diet of an American? How Much of Each is Consumed?

The following numbers are in terms of how much each person consume annually:

Meat, Poultry and Fish: 195 pounds
Soft Drinks (carbonated, "fruit drinks," juice, bottled water, etc.): 53 gallons
Eggs: 243 egg (yolks)
Flour, Grains, Beans: 200 pounds
Added Fats and Oil: 66 pounds
Dairy Products: 28 pounds
Ice Cream: 16 pounds

As we're eating, we do not consider that we eat a lot if we do not feel extremely full. But looking at it from a larger view, it's very shocking that this is how much consume. And a lot of this stuff is not exactly healthy. 53 gallons of soft drinks, 66 pounds of oil and 16 pounds of ice cream can be very fattening. But I guess it fits the American way of life: Do it now (eat), worry about it later.

Inside of My...Refrigerator [Edit: with paragraph]

- Dried Mushrooms
- Jar of Salted Tangerines
- Lettuce
- Bread
- Leftover fish
- Jar of Sushi Ginger
- Cat food
- Dried Scallops
- Dried Beans
- Box of Salted Fish
- Pepper
- Scallions
- Ginger
- Fo-ti extract
- Eggs
- Dried Shrimp
- Lemon
- Bok Choy
- Dry Tea Leaves
- Spam
- Sweet Tea
- Celery
- Peas
- Marinated Fish
- Marinated Pork
- Lots of unknown Chinese Medicine (Dried and Liquids)
Judging from what I have in my refrigerator, it would seem that we use food as a source of enhancer for other food. For example, scallions and ginger: when I see these two things, I do not think that it's something we eat, rather this is something that we put in a dish, and then toss out. And I don't think that this only applies to my family because I've seen many chefs on the Food Network, talking about using certain types of food to add "texture" or "heat." A lot of the food that we use are not the food we consume. It just feels like America and the way that its people live their lives, are drifting further away from life. We have moved so far away from the basic needs and from what is essential, that we treasure things that are not necessarily significant to our survival. We long value food that helps us survive, but we value flavor that makes us taste something pleasurable for a brief moment.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Contrary to Michael Moore and Sandy

Canada is actually not doing as well as Michael Moore make it seem. In August 2007, it was reported that Canadians are becoming less satisfied with their health care. And even before the decrease, only 67% of the people were satisfied. However, it may be that Canadians are raising the bar and having higher standards. And even though less people are becoming satisfied with their health care, their system may still be better than the one in America.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Reason Why [Big Paper]

From what is presented on the movie SiCKO, it seems that having universal health care in the U.S. would only be an improvement to the country. So why have we not made that transition from HMOs to single payer or socialized health care, even when many of the other Western countries, such as Canada, Great Britain, France and Cuba, are already following this system? The reason why to anything is never clear, nor definitive, however I believe the prevention of this change lies amongst the people of the U.S. It is not because universal health care is a bad system and will lead to the deaths of many people; it is because the people in the U.S. are unwilling to amend to a different system and admit that their own system is not the best one out there, partially because they want to remain “superior” and partially because they do not know that. Regardless, the health care system is still corrupt and the reason why that is remains unclear, but here is an attempt in explaining why we are still following this same system that is leaving many people untreated and dead. And maybe then, we’ll begin to make the attempt to see our problems and move towards a better system, something many of the other Western countries have already done.

Americans are often described as “stupid” and “ignorant,” which is not that far from the truth, judging from what I have seen from others and myself. Many of the people that I met in the past appear to know very little about the things that occur around them, even when they directly affect their own lives. In my most recent interviews about America’s health care system, most of the responses reflect on this ignorance. The common responses to the questions, “Do you think we should use the France or Britain or Canada’s health care systems as a model for the system in America” or “Do you agree or disagree with Obama’s health care plan?”Were, if not pertained to, the phrases such as “which is...,” “I guess…” or “what exactly is Obama planning to do?” People in America are not informed about the current situations with their own country or any other country. This ignorance is partially why we cannot have a revolution in America leading towards universal health care. Without this knowledge, the people cannot differentiate bad systems and better systems. The people do not know enough to see the flaws and the better alternatives, even when it is presented right in front of them.

Our lack of universal health, however, is not solely resulted from our lack of knowledge. Rather, it is also the outcome of our low standards and satisfaction from minor benefits. As long as there’s limited health coverage from some people, those people will be satisfied and follow the current system. When my mother was asked about our current health care situation, she responded by saying that she was happy that the government is willing to pay for her expenses. She added that our government is better than most other countries. It was shocking to hear this from my mother, being that I can recall many times where she was denied of certain doctors because they were not within her network. There were also many times where I have heard her complain about having to pay for some of her expenses. But despite all this, she still support the current health care system in America, which shows us that, in America, if the government provides some aid the people will accept it and ask nothing more of it. Just as it was said in SiCKO, the American people fear the government, and they fear that if they intervene with the government’s plans, then they will lose the aid that they already have. Therefore America would never be able to progress until the people lose this fear and adjust their standards.

Americans are not only controlled by the fear for their government, but also by the fear of transforming into their greatest enemies, communists. In SiCKO, it was referred to as “The Red Nightmare.” Throughout history, the American people have viewed people such as Mao Zhedong, Che Guevera, and Joseph Stalin; people with socialist and communist views, as the villains. And to have socialized healthcare, it would be seem like the country is taking one step towards communism, eliminating everyone’s chance of rising to the top. However this view is created by our values that have been heavily influenced by the government and what they portray in the media. If America were to learn to not intake everything that is given to them, then maybe they will begin to accept the alternative views and consider it.

These characteristics of the American people are not the only reason, but are definitely factors to why America still does not have universal health care. But if we were to begin inform ourselves about our health care situation, and listen to people (from Denmark) rather than making comments such as “the one in the pink looked hot,” begin to have higher demands, such as the people in France and make the government fear people rather than the other way around, and begin to open up our minds to other systems rather than making websites such as this one, then maybe we can move on towards a better way of living. Even then, there are more unknown variables that need to be changed about the American way of life, because 60% of Americans believe that the country needs to follow a different health care system, and yet remain as a country that predominantly follows HMOs. As we continue on, using this health care system, we remain as the country with the highest death rates and one of the countries with lower life expectancy. The people in America obviously needs to begin evaluating their own systems and seeking for better ones, but for now we can only continue to be a nation where 40% of our people are covered by health care, looking up to countries such as France where 99% of the people of covered (assuming that they know that fact). [Link]

Friday, April 24, 2009

Inside of My...Refrigerator

- Dried Mushrooms
- Jar of Salted Tangerines
- Lettuce
- Bread
- Leftover fish
- Jar of Sushi Ginger
- Cat food
- Dried Scallops
- Dried Beans
- Box of Salted Fish
- Pepper
- Scallions
- Ginger
- Fo-ti extract
- Eggs
- Dried Shrimp
- Lemon
- Bok Choy
- Dry Tea Leaves
- Spam
- Sweet Tea
- Celery
- Peas
- Marinated Fish
- Marinated Pork
- Lots of unknown Chinese Medicine (Dried and Liquids)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Family's Health Coverage

For my family, it seems that we're more fortunate in health care, due to our economic misfortune. We are currently covered by two different HMO's: HIP and United Choice, as well as Medicare. We do not have to pay for either on, and for the most part our medical needs are covered. However, there are some restrictions, being that each company has their own network and does not cover every single prescribed medicine. When my family meets that restriction, we just cope with it by choosing the alternative, whether it be going to another doctor or having the doctor prescribe a similar medicine, that is covered by our insurance. Going to the doctor has never been much of an issue, and neither has receiving medical help in the emergency room, for me at least. A few years ago, I had an allergic reaction and went to the Downtown hospital. I did not have to wait that long to receive medical attention; they just took a glance at my card and saw that it was something they accepted and got straight to the treatment (but then again, this was 3 o'clock in the morning and no one else was there waiting). Needless to say, our family has never been reluctant to go to the doctor or hospital because of an economical issue, which would make my family the counterexample of Michael Moore's idea of health care in America, in that perspective. But my family has been victims of its denial. My mom once had two surgeries within a week, and her insurance agreed to cover it. But they thought it was a mistake that there were two surgeries within a week, and decided to only pay for one of them, leaving the second one unpaid. They would not pay for the other surgery, and so the hospital kept sending us the bill, but eventually we straightened it out and we ended up paying nothing. After watching a portion of SiCKO and looking back at this scenario, I can definitely see how the insurance company are trying to find cracks to slip through, and trying to avoid every possible payment.

Over break, I was talking to my friends the things that I learned from SiCKO, about the health care system in Great Britain and France, and how the people not only do not have to pay for going to the doctor, but they get paid for their transportation. And one of my friends said that his doctor, Charles B. Wang does that as well. He told me that every time he goes to the doctor, they would give both him and his mom a $4 dollar Metrocard each. Hearing this and thinking back to some of the other aspects of America, it made me realize that America is not a completely corrupt country. There are definitely systems in it that are not practiced enough, but need to be focused and expanded on to allow for the country to improve.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Chair Activities Analysis

One of the activities that we simulated in class was musical chairs. Being that we are studying about a capitalist country, named America, and playing a game that includes the victory of an individual, I suspected that this activity pertained to the competition that we face everyday to survive in our society. In both the game and in any capitalist country, an individual's success is germane to how competitive they are. If a person has a strong enough ambition to win, then they will have a greater chance to succeed, compared to if they didn't. However, as shown in musical chairs, the victory of an individual leads to the failure of many others. In the end, only a few can win and many will lose.

Through musical chairs, we also took notice on the fact that many people did not have a chair/job, because there weren't enough. People could not sit not because they "lost," but for the simple fact that this game is set up so that there wouldn't be enough chairs for everyone to sit in, similar to how # of seats of employment is less than the # of people. And to make it worse, the second time that we followed this activity, there were reserved chairs for certain people that were never removed. And similarly, in our society, those who are already wealthy will remain rich, if not richer. Their wealth will generate more wealth, while the poor will continue to struggle through life, due to their inability to follow the rules of society. (In the musical chair example, Maggie, Jia Min and Dylan will continue have a place to sit, while the competition becomes more intense for those who do not have a reserved seat).

The other activity that we did was the visual representation of the share of national wealth in America through chairs. All the chairs represented all of America's wealth. During this activity, we saw that a great amount of people had to share half a chair, while a few individuals had 3 chairs to themselves. This portrayal of share of national wealth shows that while the bottom (in terms of wealth) 60% have to share less than 20% of the national wealth, the top 1% has approximately the same amount to themselves. A vast majority of the people have to live an uncomfortable life style, just so that those few people can have more than they should (in some cases, can) use. However in America, we view that 1% as an example and the driving force for "working hard." Everyone wants to be that top percentile. Even throughout the activity, I was hoping to be one of the top 20%, so that I wouldn't have to be cramped into half a chair with two other people. But wIthout that 1% of successful people, everyone would lose all hope, which is why we see them as a goal, rather than a person that is taking our wealth that can possibly provide a better life style for us.

-Another thought-
While doing the analysis about the chair representation of the share of national wealth, I was thinking about how people on the subways, sometimes take up two seats even when there are people standing up. And most people see that as rude and selfish. However, on the bigger scale into the measures of wealth, we see those people who "take up two seats" as superior and hard working. I just thought it was interesting how America has two completely different views on people who are essentially doing the same.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Q&A about Poverty and Wealth in America

How has the share of wealth change throughout time in America
"In 1865, at the time of the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans owned 0.5% of the total worth of the United States…by 1990, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, Black Americans owned only a meager 1% of total wealth” (Conley, Being Black, Living Red). And now by 2001, African Americans own 3%.

How is age factored into the povety rate?

Age 18>: 18%
Ages 19-64: 10.9%
> Age 65: 9.7%
These percentages are how much of that age group lives in poverty. (e.g. 18% of people younger than 18 years old lives in poverty)

How is the national wealth measured in America?
According to Paul Cole, there is no exact way of measuring wealth because "wealth is in the eye of the collective beholders."

What is the currect % and number of people living in poverty?
As of 2005, the % of people living in poverty is 12.5%, making the # of people living in poverty 37 million.

How does the national poverty rate compare to the minor poverty rate?
The poverty rate for minors is 21.9%, as opposed to the previously stated, 12.5% in America.

Is the poverty rate increasing or decreasing? And by how much each year?
Compared to 1959, where the poverty rate was around 23%, the poverty rate now is significantly lower. However, since the year 2000, it has slightly increased by 1-2%.

Questions left to be answered, and yet to be found on the internet:

- If the national wealth was divided equally amongst everyone in America, would anyone be below the poverty line?
- Which race is in the greatest danger of entering poverty at a greater rate?