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Friday, May 29, 2009

Industrial Food

In the Obama's Agricultural Policy article, the author says, "some of us were hoping that Obama would push for a new economy built on widely accessible healthy and sustainable food." And that is what we've been and always will be doing, on the topic of food. Right now, we are hoping that Obama will do something that will improve America, more specifically how Americans eat and the types of food they spend their money on. We are waiting for someone to push a better lifestyle towards us, and someone to push food onto our plates. We are waiting for someone to enforce something that we, or at least some of us, know is better; rather than, making the change ourselves. Even now, this is shown by the way we eat. All three daily meals of a typical American involves someone presenting the food to the person, whether that be the mother, the waiter, or the big corporations that run every other aspect of life. The way we treat our food is similar to the way we treat any policy. And while, we are waiting for Obama to "push for a new economy built on widely accessible healthy and sustainable food," we will be waiting on line in the local supermarket, to pay for our synthetic food.

Michael Pollan appeared on the Colbert Report, talking about defending food from the food corporations. Food, the natural restoration for our bodies, is being converted into profit by corporations. And Colbert's response (most likely representing all of America's response) was to defend the food that we eat now because of "deliciousness." People do not know about the foods we eat, therefore we think that there's nothing wrong with it and do not believe that there is a need for change. The way that Colbert responded led me to connect him to Leo from "The Meatrix II: Revolting." Leo saw the dairy farm as this nice family farm, where the cows are in good living conditions. And similarly, that is how Americans see farms as well. This painted image in our minds tell us that there's nothing wrong and everything is just fine. However, just like The Meatrix has shown, the farms have been industrialized, and are actually revolving around profit rather than the cows or the food they provide. By not seeing this, everyone continues on living their current lifestyle and defending the corporations and foods that are doing us harm, as shown by Colbert.

1 comment:

mAggIE said...

I totally agree with the fact that someone has to present the food to someone else. It is obvious through the way I eat dinner; whenever my mom calls me to eat dinner, I head straight to the dinner table and wait. I wait for someone to hand me my bowl of rice and I wait for someone to get the chopsticks while I sit at the table and wait. It is a conscious thing but I cannot seem to get myself up from the table to help out with dinner. And that brings up another point; I feel that we rely on someone else to make our food. Whether it be the farmers collecting the crops or our parents combining products into something delicious. Some of us do not even have the knowledge to make our own food and we allow corporations to take advantage of that so they can make profit off of us. And when the collapse comes, we are going to be wiped out.